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NLG Blog

Secure Foreclosures Florida – Lender Must Prove Standing
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

While lenders are infamous for forcing homeowners to clear all sorts of hurdles, they have become equally notorious for their own failure to locate original loan documents in foreclosure actions. In some cases, the lender filing suit never possessed these records in the first place. Courts have made it clear that the burden of establishing…

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Desestimación Bancaria Voluntaria de Ejecuciones Hipotecarias y su Derecho a los Honorarios Legales
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

Un número cada vez mayor de casos recientes de ejecuciones hipotecarias en Florida ha sido desestimado voluntariamente por los bancos, a menudo en vez de alternativas a una ejecución hipotecaria. Nuestros abogados especializados en ejecuciones hipotecarias de Miami saben que esto no necesariamente significa que el calvario ha terminado por completo. Si el Banco desestima…

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Florida HOAs Seeking Foreclosure Must Provide Reasonable Basis for Amounts Owed
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

Homeowner’s associations in Florida have been a great deal of legal power to impose strict rules on property owners. They also have the muscle to force homeowners into foreclosure when assessments aren’t paid on time. Our Miami foreclosure lawyers want to stress the importance of seeking experienced legal counsel when dealing with homeowner’s associations. There…

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Banks’ Voluntary Dismissal & Your Right to Attorney’s Fees
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

A growing number of recent Florida foreclosure cases have been voluntarily dismissed by banks, often in lieu of alternatives to foreclosure. Our Miami foreclosure attorneys know this does not necessarily mean the ordeal is completely over. If the bank voluntarily dismisses the case without prejudice, the claim could be filed again at a later date.…

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Statute of Limitations on Mortgage Enforcement—Sometimes It’s Helpful, Sometimes Not
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

As Florida continues to lead the nation in foreclosures, per the latest report from RealtyTrac, borrowers in default may be struck by how long the process can take. However, our Miami foreclosure lawyers know that if a bank waits too long to file, the statute of limitations could bar the claim. A decade ago, such…

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Chorritos Frustra las Esperanzas de los Propietarios de Florida que Se Defienden de una Ejecución Hipotecaria
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

Estados Unidos v. Bartram Chorritos Frustra las Esperanzas de los Propietarios de Florida que Se Defienden de una Ejecución Hipotecaria Una reciente sentencia de la Corte de Apelaciones de Florida en el caso Estados Unidos v. Bartram fue sinónimo de malas noticias para los propietarios que esperaban que una ley estatal pudiera impedir que los…

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U.S. v. Bartram Dashes Hopes of Florida Homeowners Fighting Foreclosure
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

A recent Florida appellate court ruling in U.S. v. Bartram spelled bad news for Florida homeowners fighting foreclosure hoping a state statute might prevent banks from continuing to pursue a foreclosure action past the five-year mark, per the statute of limitations indicated in Florida Statutes, § 95.11 (2) (c). This law indicates there is a…

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Inadecuada Notificación de Incumplimiento de Pago Citada en Serie de Desestimaciones de Ejecuciones Hipotecarias en Florida
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

Recientemente, la Corte de Apelaciones de Florida revocó una serie de ejecuciones hipotecarias alegando que el Banco ofreció una inadecuada notificación de incumplimiento de pago a los prestatarios y por lo tanto, no cumplió en darles el tiempo suficiente para remediar la situación antes de proceder a una ejecución hipotecaria. Nuestros abogados de ejecución hipotecaria…

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Inadequate Notice of Default Cited in Series of Florida Foreclosure Dismissals
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

Appellate courts in Florida recently reversed a number of foreclosure actions on the grounds that the bank offered inadequate notice of default to borrowers, and thereby failed to provide them with adequate time to remedy the situation before proceeding with Florida foreclosure dismissals. Our Miami foreclosure attorneys know in recent years Florida courts have grown…

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Fallo de Ejecución Hipotecaria de Florida Revocado debido a Perdida de Documentos de Préstamos
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

La Corte de Apelaciones del Primer Distrito de Florida recientemente revocó una sentencia anterior que concedía una ejecución hipotecaria a una firma de servicios que no consiguió presentar documentación con base jurídica. Cabe reconocer que la defensa en Hunter v. Aurora Loan Services LLC estuvo dispuesta a admitir que no tenía los documentos apropiados al…

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Client Reviews

Excellent attorney, very personableI contacted attorney Neustein to support me in a foreclosure case (as the defendant). I was immediately impressed at how personable Frederick was. He was kind, ...


Frederick Neusein for all you legals needs! As Real estate Professional and client I know Frederick Neusein for over 5 years. All I can say he is very knowledgeable high experience in foreclosure defense...

Realtor Valentina Ved

Professional, trustworthy, responsive & understanding Rick is the consumate professional. He gave me excellent advice in a calm demeanor and i felt very comfortable that he was looking to protect MY interests...


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