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Florida Foreclosure Judgment Reversed Due to Missing Loan Documents
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

Florida’s First District Court of Appeals recently reversed an earlier judgment granting foreclosure to a loan services firm that failed to produce documentation of proper standing. To its credit, the defense in Hunter v. Aurora Loan Services LLC readily admitted it didn’t have the appropriate records at the outset of the proceedings. Our Miami foreclosure…

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Ejecución Hipotecaria de Asociación de Condominios de Florida Puede Complicar Asuntos de Propiedad
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

Aquellos que viven en un condominio, casa adosada o casa que pertenece a una comunidad de intereses comunes suelen estar obligados a pagar cuotas y tasas a una asociación de propietarios, además de la hipoteca. Los abogados de defensa de ejecución hipotecaria de Miami saben que si un propietario no cumple con los pagos de…

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Florida Condo Association Foreclosure Can Complicate Ownership Issues
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

Those who reside in a condominium, townhome or house that belongs to a common interest community typically are required to pay assessments and dues to a homeowners’ association, in addition to the mortgage. Miami foreclosure defense attorneys know if a homeowner goes into default on these HOA dues, the homeowners’ association has the right to…

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Desestimación de Casos de Ejecución Hipotecaria por Falta de Acusación Dejan de Ser Fáciles
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

Una Corte de Apelaciones de Florida recientemente revocó una decisión de desestimar una acción de ejecución hipotecaria que implicaba a Deutsche Bank por falta de acusación, en virtud de la Norma 1.420 de Procedimiento Civil de Florida. Los abogados de defensa en ejecuciones hipotecarias de Miami no se sorprenden, dada la revisión de 2006 del…

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La Lucha contra un Fallo por Deficiencia Tras una Ejecución Hipotecaria en Florida
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

En el estado de Florida, los prestamistas tienen el derecho a perseguir fallos por deficiencia contra los propietarios de viviendas tras las ejecuciones hipotecarias o ventas cortas. Es decir, el banco puede tratar de recuperar la diferencia entre el valor del préstamo original y el monto por el que posteriormente se vendió la propiedad en…

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Corte de Apelaciones de Florida Da la Razón a Propietarios de Vivienda por Insuficiencia de Notificación de Amortización Anticipada por Incumplimiento
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

Los bancos que desean ejecutar la hipoteca de una propiedad deben dar a los propietarios un aviso apropiado de incumplimiento de pago, antes de iniciar y concluir el proceso de ejecución hipotecaria. En el caso reciente de Samaroo v. Wells Fargo Bank, la Corte de Apelaciones del Quinto Distrito de Florida dictaminó que un banco…

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Bloch v. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage: Un Caso de Impugnación a la Negación para el HAMP
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

La Corte de Apelaciones del Undécimo Circuito en Florida emitió recientemente una resolución ratificando la ejecución hipotecaria en el caso Bloch v. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, donde una pareja intentó impugnar la negación bancaria del Programa Federal de Remodelación de Viviendas Asequibles (HAMP). El problema con la elegibilidad para el HAMP radica en que si…

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Dismissal of Florida Foreclosures Cases for Lack of Prosecution No Longer as Easy
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

A Florida appellate court recently reversed a decision to dismiss a foreclosure action involving Deutsche Bank for lack of prosecution under Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.420. Miami foreclosure defense attorneys are not surprised, given the Florida Supreme Court’s 2006 re-examination of the term “record activity” in the case of Wilson v. Salamon. That is,…

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Florida Appellate Court Sides With Homeowner for Insufficient Default Notice on Acceleration
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

Banks that seek to foreclose on a property must give homeowners proper notice of default before initiating and concluding the foreclosure process. In the recent case of Samaroo v. Wells Fargo Bank, the Fifth District Court of Appeal of Florida ruled that a bank failed to give a notice of default that complied with the…

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HAMP Denials – The Decision to Grant Modification Rests With Mortgagee
The Law Office of Neustein Law Group

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Florida recently issued a decision affirming the foreclosure in Bloch v. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage , where a couple sought to challenge the bank’s denial of the federal Home Affordable Modification Program. The problem with HAMP eligibility is that while the basic requirements are spelled out by the…

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Client Reviews

Excellent attorney, very personableI contacted attorney Neustein to support me in a foreclosure case (as the defendant). I was immediately impressed at how personable Frederick was. He was kind, ...


Frederick Neusein for all you legals needs! As Real estate Professional and client I know Frederick Neusein for over 5 years. All I can say he is very knowledgeable high experience in foreclosure defense...

Realtor Valentina Ved

Professional, trustworthy, responsive & understanding Rick is the consumate professional. He gave me excellent advice in a calm demeanor and i felt very comfortable that he was looking to protect MY interests...


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